I’ve decided to include in my blog about the philosophy of time a collection of select introductions to the philosophers and scientists who are of note in the fieldof the philosophy of space and time. I will tell you something briefly about their lives and their theories, with the understanding that some of their theories will undergo a deeper analysis in subsequent posts.
I only ask that as you read about these people and their theories, try to pick out the theories that appear to make sense to you and those that appear to be utter nonsense. Remember always that appearances can be deceiving and that just because a theory sounds crazy, doesn’t necessarily make it wrong.
You can expect to have your mind bent out of shape while trying to grasp what some of these theories are telling you. You may find one or another theory you thought made common sense is not so straightforward after all. In fact, you may come to realize that the universe we inhabit is not just strange and wonderful, but that it is stranger and more wonderful than you could ever imagine.

Time Lord No. 2: Craig Callendar

Time Lord No. 1: John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart