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Part 6: Claymore Alley

Part 6: Claymore Alley

"Claymore Alley" is a paper I wrote years ago about my first combat experience in Vietnam, a case of "friendly fire." . It turned out to be a cathartic experience.
Part 3: Zero Week in Nam

Part 3: Zero Week in Nam

Part 3: Zero Week in Nam It’s strange how some memories are so completely buried that no matter how hard you try, you can’t recall them. I’m sure the journey from Duluth after my final day of furlough to Long …

Lest We Forget

A History of How the U.S. Got Involved in Vietnam Preface. 3 Author’s Note. 5 Introduction.. 6 Indochina. 8 Enter: The French.. 9 Ho Chi Minh.. 10 The Japanese Occupation.. 11 France and the Vietminh.. 13 The War with the...

Claymore Alley

Date: 1986. Dedicated to the memory of all the men who were, for a short time, my brothers on Pr’Line[1] Mountain: To Starky, who would go home dazed, confused, and destined for the hospital. To Ron Kressman, whose triumphant...