The Information Universe (a blog series)
We are told by the experts that we are living in the “Age of Information.” But do you really know what that means? Do you really know what information is? It is more than the words between two book covers, more than what is contained in the TV shows and movies we watch. Lately, the scientific community is promoting the idea that information is actually the most fundamental thing in our universe. The articles in this series will focus on information, exploring its features and nuances, from the perspective of physics, biology, and philosophy.
I hope you enjoy what you find here.

The Information Universe: Rethinking Reality (Part 7)
Part 7 of my series - The Information Universe: Rethinking Reality ...

Beyond Matter and Energy: Why Information is a Fundamental Property of the Universe (Part 6)
I think it’s safe to say that generally, science is all about discovery, gaining knowledge, an attempt by humans to ...

Beyond Matter and Energy: The Fundamental Role of Information (Part 5)
This post explores Tom Stonier's theory that information, alongside matter and energy, is a fundamental building block of the universe ...

The Information Universe (Part 4)
Exploring Information as a Fundamental Property of the Universe! ...

The Information Universe (Part 2)
In this post, I introduce Claude Shannon, the "father of information theory." His work revolutionized how we understand communication, enabling ...

The Information Universe (Part 1)
In this series, I dive into the science and philosophy of information, exploring its profound role in the universe. Information, ...