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2013 Peru

An Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) tour!

Another mind-blowing adventure as we visited Lima; Cusco and the Sacred Valley; Ollantaytambo; and the truly spectacular Machu Picchu! We hiked a little bit of the Inca Trail as we ascended to the Sun Gate.

2013 Ecuador

An Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) tour.

Another trip-of-a-lifetime to Quito, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands! So pristine, so much wildlife!

2016 Patagonia

An Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT) tour of Argentina, Chile and Brazil.

In Argentina we visited: Buenos Aires; Calafate; Los Glacieres Park; Ushuaia, and witnessed the amazing collapse of the Moreno Glacier ice bridge.

In Chile we visited: Torres del Paine; Puerto Natales; and took a small ship cruise of the Magellan Strait, Ainsworth Bay, “Glacier Alley.” We even got to land on Cape Horn!

Lastly, we visited the mind-bending Iguazu Falls that spanned both Argentina and Chile. We visited both sides!