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Jeff’s Journal

Worth thinking about!

While searching through material I've written over the years, I came across one of my very first philosophy papers written ...

On Being Alone

I recently exchanged emails with a friend about an idea that has been bouncing around in my mind - that ...

When the World Was Young

When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And ...
The Thinking Atheist

A Blast From the Past

This post is a copy of a paper I wrote as a freshman in college in 1972. Actually, it was ...

“And All Her Bearing Gracious” (2 of 2)

Well, I called Part 1 of my mother’s saga, And All Her Bearing Gracious, “a beginning,” and sadly, this looks ...

In Memory of Jim Duff

Please note: In 2010 I was invited to be a speaker at a wake in Indianapolis for one of the ...
The Thinking Atheist

Am I an Atheist or an Agnostic? Explain Please!

Q. Jeff, are you an atheist or an agnostic? Please explain. A. It might surprise those of you who know ...

“And All Her Bearing Gracious” (1 of 2)

This is a beginning, I think. I imagine that I will be writing more about my mother, Mary Ellen Drake ...

Something Happened

I have a photo of me with my mother in the hospital where I was born. She looks happy. I’m ...

How I Got the Surname of Drake

In preparation for a return trip to the UK and Ireland this fall, I have been revisiting my family tree ...

Introducing Jeff’s Journal

Greetings! While I have been writing some about my passions, like philosophy, science and travel, I have been wanting to ...

How Did I End Up in Duluth?

The way my grandmother told it, is that she was at home in Duluth one day when she got a ...

On the Road Again (2022)

Yep, we’re going on the road again! Lisa and I began this year with an amazing return trip to Italy ...

24 Hours to London!

By the time a notification about this post is delivered to your inbox, it will be just 24 hours until ...

The Dune Litany, Re-purposed!

The Dune Litany, Re-purposed! If you're a Dune fan like me, you've read most of the books and watched the ...

The Boy in the Window

The Boy in the Window If you are anything like me, you probably have some occasional childhood memories that pop, ...

They Don’t Necessarily Know What They Are Talking About!

They Don’t Necessarily Know What They Are Talking About! The following is another anecdote from my childhood This one has ...

Catching Up!

Wow, it’s been more than a month since my last blog post. I guess a lot has been going on, ...

On Helluva Travel Year!

Greetings Folks, from Sedona, Arizona! This is our final travel destination for 2023. And what a travel year it has ...

Remembering Tommy Johnson – A Friend for Life

Although I didn’t get a chance to visit my good friend, Tom Johnson, from Duluth, Minnesota, before he died in ...

July 2024 Catching Up!

July 2024 Catching Up Happy July 25th everyone! It’s been more than a month since I have posted anything. I wanted ...

Jeff’s Journal