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2017 Wengen, Switzerland Arrival

Written by Jeff Drake
9 · 25 · 17

Well, we made it!

The Delta plane ride to Zurich went without a hitch. We decided after that we will always choose the “comfort plus” seats for the extra room.

Catching the train in Zurich was a bit of a learning curve. Getting the tickets was easy, hanging onto the tickets, not so easy – for me. On the way into the train to get our seat, I dropped the tickets. Boo! This led to a bit of a scramble and dicussion as to what the train conductor’s punishment would be for sucn an infraction i.e., “You lost your tickets? The beatings will commence at 0900 hours”, etc.

Then we had two strokes of good fortune. The first was that the conductor was a no-show. No one asked to see our tickets for the first leg of our journey from Zurich to Wengen. The second was that Denise found my tickets laying on the steps as we disembarked the train! Yay! Thank you, Denise!

After that, it was sit back, relax, and enjoy the view, which was amazing. Wow, the Alps are even more beautiful in person!

Our host, Rachel, at Chalet Arven, is  very helpful and pleasant, thankfully. The house we are renting is charming and we are the first occupants since they completed some major renovations. Chalet Arven, she told us, was the first of its kind in Wengen, so it has some history, I guess. Being an older property, we’re grateful for the remodel. It’s a very nice home!

Here is a photo from our patio:


Lisa found this chalet for us. Way to go, sweetie!

Today, we’re off to explore the towns and trails around Wengen!














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1 Comment

  1. Mimi

    Hey. The view looks amazing!


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Jeff Drake

Retired IT consultant, world-traveler, hobby photographer, and philosopher.