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Last Day in Madrid!

Written by Jeff Drake
7 · 05 · 18

Hi folks!

I have to make this a quick post. I may get a chance to say more later. It’s hard to believe our trip is almost over. We leave on a flight tomorrow morning at (ugh) 6:00am. We won’t get much sleep tonight.

I do have more to say about our trip, as well as photos to share. We both have enjoyed Spain very much and want to return. Next time though, we’ll do it on our own. We’re planning a southern France, northern Spain adventure (Bordeaux, Provence, Barcelona and Basque region). I will be posting more about the trip even after we return.

I’d forgotten just how beautiful Madrid is – it is an architectural feast! We’re off to the Prado this morning and the modern art museum. We’ve been to Prado before, but as we are not sure when, if ever, we will return to Madrid, we’re going again because, well, it’s the Prado!

I hope all is well with everyone out there!


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1 Comment

  1. Mike and Denise

    Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. Glad to hear you’re having such a great time!


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Jeff Drake

Retired IT consultant, world-traveler, hobby photographer, and philosopher.