Sarlat-la-Canéda & environs
I’m going to wrap up France with this post, then I will do one more final post about Barcelona. All with photos, of course!
After one evening in Carcassonne, we got back in the car and drove to our final French destination, Sarlat-la-Canéda, in the Dordogne. Again, we researched this area rather thoroughly and Lisa found a beautiful B&B for us to spend 6 days in. Wow, we really loved Sarlat! You’ll see why from some of the photos in this blog, I think.
Similar to Roussillon, Sarlat was a great place to set up camp, giving us easy access to all the plus beau villages in the area (I think over 50% of the identified plus beau villages near Sarlat). I am posting a few choice photos from some of these beautiful towns. And, of course, Sarlat is also a medieval town.
I think it was in the Dordogne area when I was told by my fellow travelers that I would have to restrict myself to saying, “I love France!” to just once per hour, or be banished. Sniff.
We were quite blown away by the Dordogne region! I know that I had no idea it was as beautiful as it turned out to be. Who could predict that? Especially after Provence, which we enjoyed immensely, but man, the Dordogne is in a class by itself!
I hope you enjoy the photos!
Here is a photo of our room at Jardin-de-Sarlat:

Jardin-de-Sarlat room.
Sarlat was a great town to walk through. There is a huge cathedral here that was quite picturesque.

Sarlat-la-Canéda as seen from the road.



Sarlat-la-Canéda cathedral.

Sarlat-la-Canéda cathedral.

Sarlat-la-Canéda cathedral.



Here is a photo of one of the original architects of the town of Sarlat, given a place of honor overlooking the central square.
As I’ve mentioned before, we love to walk through street markets and Sarlat had a wonderful market!

Sarlat-la-Canéda market.

Sarlat-la-Canéda market.

Sarlat-la-Canéda market.

Only in France!
We had one of those “Oh, let’s stop here!” moments while driving through the Dordogne countryside. In this case, the town was Saint-Leon -sur-Vezere. If I remember right the town was named after Saint Leonce, who was a former Roman soldier turned christian, who was martyred. It was an amazing place to stop and look around, and to have coffee, of course!




Another town that both Lisa and I thought, “We could stay here next time!” was Domme. What a beautiful town!

Domme, France.

Domme, France.

Domme, France.

Domme, France.
And this concludes my blog about our trip to France. Next up is… Barcelona!