by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | Travel
Had a great visit to Portugal! Just spent a couple hours at the Roman ruins at Merida. A very nice town! Enjoyed a wonderful gazpacho. The olives were outstanding! Read the rest
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | Travel
We have arrived at our 14th century paradise. It is beautiful! Read the rest
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | Travel
Yep, that’s Duke d’Alba. Yum! Read the rest
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | 2018 Spain & Portugal
Wow, I finally have a little time to start to organize our photos, videos and write something to my blog. We have been very busy! Lisa and I really enjoyed Portugal and were happy to finally get to visit the country and mark it off our bucket list. But, we both agree,...
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | 2018 Spain & Portugal
Today we had a “learning and discovery” activity. We got to spend the better part of a day at a bull ranch, owned and operated by a well-known Spanish matador, Rafael Tejada. All I can say is that being a matador must be very lucrative! He has a huge 500...
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | Travel
Our home till tomorrow. I have never been to a place before where you can see olive trees in every direction, from horizon to horizon! Read the rest
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | 2018 Spain & Portugal
Okay, I lied. Cordoba is actually a very old and beautiful city in southern Spain. Like many others, it began as a neolithic settlement, then came the Romans, then the Muslims. In fact, it became the capital of the Islamic emirate and the Caliphate of Cordoba i.e, a...
by Jeff Drake | Jul 5, 2018 | 2018 Spain & Portugal
Hi folks! I have to make this a quick post. I may get a chance to say more later. It’s hard to believe our trip is almost over. We leave on a flight tomorrow morning at (ugh) 6:00am. We won’t get much sleep tonight. I do have more to say about our trip, as...
by Jeff Drake | Jul 1, 2018 | 2018 Spain & Portugal
Hola muchachos! We are home after our trip to Portugal and Spain and at this point, well-rested! Jet lag was rough for a couple days, but this wasn’t our first rodeo, so we pushed through it. By the way, we both agree that purchasing the extra legroom seats on...