by Jeff Drake | Apr 4, 2022 | Travel
This is a placeholder for my upcoming 2022 Italy travel blog. Read the rest
by Jeff Drake | Nov 19, 2017 | Travel
It seems silly now to repeat the refrain about how much I love Italy, but I can’t seem to help it. I really do… love Italy, that is. I could find reasons not to love Italy, if I looked hard enough, In 2009, for example, our first visit to Tuscany resulted...
by Jeff Drake | Nov 19, 2017 | Travel
Our last full-day in Sestri Levante! Thanks to the advice of our hotel manager, Santos, we adjusted our plans today to take a boat ride from the southernmost Cinque Terre town, Riomaggiore, to Portovenere. This spot is only reachable from the north by boat or a 4+hour...
by Jeff Drake | Nov 19, 2017 | Travel
Just a tidbit… We’ve managed to dodge a couple of bullets during our journey so far! First, like Italy-rookies (ugh), we forgot to validate our train tickets before boarding the train in Sestri Levante! Validating is required for any non-reservation train...
by Jeff Drake | Nov 19, 2017 | Travel
Today we visited Florence, Italy. For Lisa and I this was a “revisit”, as we were here in 2009. At that time, Florence threw me for a loop. It was my own fault, as I had serious misperceptions as to what I would find in Florence. In 2009, I had just...
by Jeff Drake | Nov 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
I realize I have been remiss in daily postings. I’m new at this, so there is a bit of a learning curve. I am finding that a daily schedule that begins at breakfast and last till bedtime makes it difficult to find time to just sit and write. I’m not...
by Jeff Drake | Nov 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
We arrived in San Gimignano yesterday (10-5). It was my first experience driving since we were last in Italy (2009) and I got rear-ended by a teenager on a motorcycle. No problems this time! Getting around was easy, for the most part. I have to say though, that having...
by Jeff Drake | Nov 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
This will be the last post I’ll make about our recent trip to Italy, unless someone has a specific related topic they would like me to cover. If not, I’m going to move on to some other topics I’ve been wanting to write about, although reminiscing...
by Jeff Drake | Oct 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Post-trip Reflections and Lessons Learned Wow, time is flying! We’ve been home two weeks already! Lisa and I managed to pick up head colds prior to the end of our trip, which, when combined with some rather tedious and tiring jet lag, made our travel recovery a...