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2017 Sestri Levante, Sat. 09/30

Written by Jeff Drake
11 · 19 · 17

Our last full-day in Sestri Levante!

Thanks to the advice of our hotel manager, Santos, we adjusted our plans today to take a boat ride from the southernmost Cinque Terre town, Riomaggiore, to Portovenere. This spot is only reachable from the north by boat or a 4+hour hike. It is an ancient town with two very old churches and a lovely market area with lots of spots for eating, drinking, or just people-watching. We’re glad we visited it!

The 3 days we are in Cinque Terre is enough for us, I think. The towns are beautiful, but they are not all that different from each other. So many great photo ops everywhere you turn, I am looking forward to sorting through – and sharing – our pictures when I get home.

Tonight is another 3-course wonderful meal from our hotel. I know, it sounds so boring, but we are all looking forward to it! Santos is that good a chef! Our octopus awaits us this evening!

Tomorrow we are off to the town of Lucca, in Tuscany. If all goes well, we should be there before noon, which is good, as we have booked a city walking tour at 2pm. We’ll be using part of our time in Lucca to visit Florence for a day. We were there in 2009 and Lisa and I are looking forward to seeing Florence again!

The photos, videos and reviews we’ve read about Lucca caused us to add this city to our itinerary. Another day in Italy, another adventure!

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Jeff Drake

Retired IT consultant, world-traveler, hobby photographer, and philosopher.