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There and Back Again!

Post-trip Reflections and Lessons Learned Wow, time is flying! We've been home two weeks already! Lisa and I managed to ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-12)

Wow, my wife and I haven’t taken a foreign trip in… months! LOL! Somehow, our last trip, Cuba, seems so ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-11)

We will be traveling to Switzerland and Italy for a period of three weeks. We will spend one week based ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-10)

Woo hoo! Only 10 days to go! I am starting to feel like the clock is spinning faster and faster! ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-8)

Lisa has been extremely busy gathering last minute details that need to be captured in our group travel document (will ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-2)

Wow, busy times! Lisa is appreciating more and more the benefits of having someone else handle all the itinerary details ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-1)

It's time. We leave tomorrow morning. We feel very much in sync with our traveling partners, Mike and Denise and ...

2017 Swiss-Italy Trip Countdown (T-0)

We're outta here! Mike and Denise have made it to the airport and are boarding as I write this. We're ...

2017 Wengen, Switzerland Arrival

Well, we made it! The Delta plane ride to Zurich went without a hitch. We decided after that we will ...

2017 Wengen, Switzerland, Saturday 9/23

[We have been so busy, I haven't had time or energy to write much. Well, I'm writing, just unable to ...

2017 Wengen, Switzerland, Sunday 9/24

Sunday, for us, was a day of rest! We thought we would treat ourselves to a quiet day in town ...

2017 Wengen, Switzerland, Tuesday 9/26

I Left My Heart in Lauderbrunnen Valley Yep, I know, I skipped Monday, the 25th. I'll cover it in a ...

2017 Wengen, Switzerland Wed. 09/27

It's hard to believe we're packing up to go already, but we are! It's been a great visit! I now ...