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A 2017 Solar Experience

Written by Jeff Drake
8 · 05 · 17

On August 21st, 2017, we’re going to get a chance to experience something important and rather rare. It’s not the eclipse. At least, not the eclipse by itself. What I’m thinking about is a rather wonderful side-effect we get to experience just from observing it!

For sure, the eclipse itself will be fun to watch!  Let’s face it, if you went to a dictionary and looked up the word “spectacular”, you would find a picture of a solar eclipse. This is due to both the scope of the event (it’s the friggin’ sun and moon, for God’s sake!) and the fact that a full eclipse is rather rare.

Yes, it’s going to be great, but greater still is the impression I hope this event will have on everyone who watches it. And that’s the side-effect I’m talking about. We humans really don’t get many opportunities to observe something that immediately makes one aware of the fact that we are just specs on a planet flying through space in the company of a moon and a star.

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Jeff Drake

Retired IT consultant, world-traveler, hobby photographer, and philosopher.