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Lisboa! We Be Here!

Written by Jeff Drake
7 · 05 · 18

Hi folks!

We arrived yesterday without any travel hassles, which was very nice! I only got about 45 minutes sleep on the plane and Lisa didn’t get much either, so by the time we hit the ack last night, we were both exhausted.

As good fortune would have it, last night was a huge Lisbon festival celebrating their patron saint (it’s seriously Catholic here), Saint Anthony of Padua. Some of you might be thining right now,”Hey, wasn’t he an Italian saint? Padua is in Italy, after all!” Well, you’re half right. Anthony died in Padua, Italy, but he was born in Lisbon. In fact, he is also known as “Anthony of Lisbon”. I will post a quick video of the festibal.

Everyone in our group seems very nice, which is expected, but pleasant to verify. Dinner lat night was fish! Who knew? Not sure what the fish was, but it was white fish and very tasty. Of course, being not quite with the program last night due to fatigue, we didn’t get photos of the meal. This morning we are well-rested and ready to go, so we won’t make that mistake again!

We’ll visit a monastery today, get a city tour and then have the  afternoon to ourselves. We’re going to walk down the main street to the river and find a place to have lunch. The photo of the double burger and fries was yesterday’s lunch – happy hour. Yippee! The burger and fries was only $5EU. I had a Brzilian drink, similar to the mojito, but not as sugary. It was very nice!

I never posted a video before, so not sure if it will work.

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1 Comment

  1. Steve Drake

    You guys know how to have fun!


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Jeff Drake

Retired IT consultant, world-traveler, hobby photographer, and philosopher.