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Are Religion and Science Incompatible?

Are Religion and Science Incompatible?

Are Religion and Science Incompatible? I say, “Yes! And Ne’er the Twain Will Meet!”[i] Some might read the title of this post and think, “That’s a bold statement, explain please!” Others might read it and think, “Bullshit! There’s no real reason science and religion...
Conscious Reflections

Conscious Reflections

It occurred to me that for those who may have gotten lost, stymied, confused, etc., by my series of posts about philosopher Alva Noe’s concepts about consciousness, it may be worthwhile to recount some of the conclusions I have reached about consciousness after having...
Is Time Travel Possible?

Is Time Travel Possible?

I have been a science fiction fan since I was a child. One of my favorite science fiction genres is time travel. I used to love reading books and short stories that involved the ability to travel to the past...
Is Time Dilation a Jedi Mind Trick?

Is Time Dilation a Jedi Mind Trick?

I am always digging through reams of material, both written and video, looking for interesting tidbits about my favorite topics, one of which is the philosophy of space and time and accompanying it, physics. Here, I found a very useful (I think) tidbit buried in a...
Mind. Blown. Emergence!

Mind. Blown. Emergence!

Cold-hearted orb that rules the night, removes the colors from our sight, red is grey and yellow, white, but we decide which is right, and which is an illusion. Moody Blues, “Days of Future Past”   The bad weather has finally subsided, at least for the moment. We...
A Noteworthy Project

A Noteworthy Project

The question, “What is consciousness” remains at the top of a list of the 12 or so most important scientific questions that remain to be answered. As a result, there are a lot of people working on trying to find an answer to this question in a variety of fields:...
Absolutely no absolutes!

Absolutely no absolutes!

I’m reading a lot these days. I’ve been totally ignoring my favorite fictional authors for quite a while and have been focused instead on a number of different authors who write about two topics of special interest to me: time…