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My Quantum Quandary: When Words Collide

My Quantum Quandary: When Words Collide

This morning at the crack of dawn, I find myself sitting at my PC, ruminating over coffee about language, of all things. More specifically, as of late I’ve been wrestling with the problems I have been having with the language used in quantum physics and how a few...
Is Time Travel Possible?

Is Time Travel Possible?

I have been a science fiction fan since I was a child. One of my favorite science fiction genres is time travel. I used to love reading books and short stories that involved the ability to travel to the past and future. As a youngster, such tales were attractive due...
Is Time Dilation a Jedi Mind Trick?

Is Time Dilation a Jedi Mind Trick?

I am always digging through reams of material, both written and video, looking for interesting tidbits about my favorite topics, one of which is the philosophy of space and time and accompanying it, physics. Here, I found a very useful (I think) tidbit buried in a...
Absolutely no absolutes!

Absolutely no absolutes!

I’m reading a lot these days. I’ve been totally ignoring my favorite fictional authors for quite a while and have been focused instead on a number of different authors who write about two topics of special interest to me: time and space. It’s like an addiction. I...
Introducing Dr. Andrew Thomas

Introducing Dr. Andrew Thomas

I want to introduce you to an author that I discovered recently. His name is Andrew Thomas. He’s got a PhD in physics from a college in Wales, where he lives. He is not associated with any academic institutions, so unfortunately, he finds it impossible to get any...
Some Thoughts on “The Big Picture”

Some Thoughts on “The Big Picture”

Greetings! I’m reading my second book by cosmologist and physicist Sean Carroll. It is titled, From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time, written in 2010. The first book I read of his a while back is titled, The Big Picture: From the Big Bang to...